White Texture Volume - Curly, Fluffy and Texture
Best Shampoo for White Texture coat, which brings out the natural beautiful coat back.
Fluffy, Curly, Corded, when you would like texture with Sparkle White Coat, without harsh, not drying the coat, and gives volume if needed.
It is designed to give natural original texture back, so works very well if your dog has Naturally Curly, Corded, Textured, or Need Volume.
The shampoos rinse very well, and dilution makes more economical
Best Dog Shampoo for Curly, Corded Coat such as Spanish Water Dog, Lagotto, Curly Coated Retriever, Puli, Pumi, Bolognese. Poodle.
Best Dog Shampoo for Nordic Breed, Samoyed, Pomeranian, Huskies, German Spitz, Japanese Spitz, Shiba-Inu, Akita for their texture and colour.
Best Shampoo for Maximum Volume and Texutred Coated breed, Poodles, Old English Sheep Dog, paws on Bearded Collie, Bichon. Also many Labradoogle, Cockerpoo uses this shampoo.
Brings out the natural texture of the coat, and white sparkle, and gives black good contrast.
Multi BIS Multi BISS C.I.B AUST SUPREME CH. AM GCH. FIN CH. Smiling Snowball Luminous Pandora -aka Panda Bear, Owned by Helen Chen, Bred by Kristiine Uspenski