Home > MD10 Dog Shampoo ( including Red Yellow Stain Removal Shampoo) > White Silky Smooth Shampoo

MD10 White Silky Smooth Shampoo 5L: Shih Tzu, Bichon, Chin, Cavalier, King Charles, Irish Setters

Our Price: £74.95

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MD10 White Smooth Shampoo is for all WHITE dog, BLACK dog, Two colours, Mixed colour dogs with silky smooth coat. Blue colour element in this shampoo DOES NOT STAIN the coat.  Instead, this element reflects the light. Therefore, it works well with Black & White dog, Dark colour dog, giving maximum contrast.

For Papillon, after the shampoo & towel dry, spray the diluted conditioner can work very well.

Best Shampoo for Maltese, Japanese Chin, Papillon, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Springer Spaniel, Setter, Dalmatian, also good for Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso and many more.

Depending on the coat condition and needs, use with Conditioner Silky Smooth or Conditioner Super Hydration to get maximum shine and extra smoothness.

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