Home > MD10 Dog Shampoo ( including Red Yellow Stain Removal Shampoo) > Texture Collagen Shampoo - Controlled Volume

MD10 Texture Collagen Shampoo - 5 Litre (20 Litre Diluted) Bearded Collie, Border Collie, Lhasa Apso, Tibetan Terrier, Briard, Wire hair Dachshund

Our Price: £78.95

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MD10 Texture Collagen Shampoo is for all dogs with long but full straight or wavy coat but not curl.

The shampoo helps to bring back the original texture and volume of the dog's coat, but with controlled volume.

Best Dog Shampoo for Bearded Collie

Collagen is heavy protein and this helps and ensures CONTROLLED VOLUME for breeds such as Bearded Collie, Border Collie, Tibetan Terrier, Shih Tzu, Briard, even Italian Spinone. Some Bearded Collie owner prefer MD10 Herbal Texture for Coarse Coat finish.

Therefore this is best shampoo if your dog's coat has texture and some volume, and if you would like to control its volume. 

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