Home > MD10 Dog Shampoo ( including Red Yellow Stain Removal Shampoo) > Silky Smooth Shampoo - Standard Silky coat

MD10 Silky Smooth Shampoo 300ml Shih Tzu, Irish Setter, Cavalier, King Charles, Chihuahua, Boxer

Our Price: £13.95

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MD10 Silky Smooth Shampoo is Super Moisturising formula for silky smooth coat.

Best Dog Shampoo for Spaniel, Setters King Charles Spaniel, Silky Coat Shampoo

Gentleline's Kingsbridge (NORDW-2011 NORDCH NOCH Aranel a Classic x SEW-2010 SEUCH Gentlelines Miss Congeniality)
 — with Jeanette AhlbergRassmus Wahlstedt and Sonia Wahlstedt.

Best Shampoo for Silky Coat Dogs such as Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Papillon, Cocker Spaniel, Setter, Shih Tzu and many more.

Also good for SHORT COAT BREED like Boxer, Chihuahua and Beagle for shiney coat.

Depending on the condition of the dog's coat and needs, Conditioner Silky Smooth / Conditioner Super Hydration can be used as well.

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