Home > MD10 Dog Shampoo ( including Red Yellow Stain Removal Shampoo) > Red Stain : Saliva, Urine Stain Removal shampoo - MD10 & Captutine

Capturine Anti Red Shampoo 5 Liter: Water/Saliva Stain

Our Price: £110.00
Sorry, this item is out of stock - will be in shortly - please give us a call if you need them urgently on 07715749450. You can also purchase from www.bigdogworld.co.uk

Natural Shampoo - Anti Red/Yellow Stain is Specially formulated for illuminating Red/Yellow Stain from White/Black Coat. It works on Mouth Stain, Eye Stain and Urine Stain.

It is made with Natural Products, not strong chemicals. Therefore You have to leave the shampoo on the coat 5 minutes, so that nature can work on it. 

Natural Shampoo - A

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