Home > Capturine Shampoo (Itchy, Sensitive, Red Stain, Black Repair) > CAPTURINE Shampoo for ITCHY & IRRITATED Skin (S13)

1,000ml - Dog Shampoo for Itchy & Irritated Skin with Calendula and Tea Tree Oil Shampoo

Our Price: £36.95

Shampoo with essential oils of Marigold & Teatree Oil recommended for dogs with Hot Spot skin, or bothered by itching and irritation. This shampoo helps to stop the itching. Redness and irritations could be reduced without affecting the coat.

Thanks to the Tea Tree Oil's antibacterial effect, for some cases, scratching may be reduced. Frequent use of this shampoo may help to reduce itching and fungal infections. FOR DOGS WHO HAS ALLERGIC WITH TEA TREE OIL, try “HYPER SENSITIVE Skin Shampoo” with is only made with Pot Marigold instead.

I recommend to do 48 hours patch test on any dog who has sensitive irritated skin prior to use ANY PRODUCTS.

Active Ingredients: 
Essential Oils from the Calendula (Pot Marigold) & Tea Tree Oil

Directions :
Use Undiluted for the best results.
Wet the coat with lukewarm water. Apply the shampoo undiluted.
Lather well and let it work for 3 to 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
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